Sunday, August 28, 2011

10 Day you challenge - day 8

Whoops!  Yesterday was my mom's birthday celebration, which was held at our house.  Here is day eight of the challenge, a day late. 
eight fears
  1. Mr. O dying before me.  Seriously, this disturbs me to the core.  Hopefully, we both have long lives in front of us.
  2. Clowns.  I never liked them and then I read Stephen King's IT when I was in the fifth grade.  I remember thinking, "I knew I was right about them!" 
  3. Roller Coasters.  I would love to ride them, but my body goes straight into panic attack.  Shaking so violent that I can't control it.  In fact, I have no control over myself when I try to ride them.  My hands grip the bar and I can't make them let go until we stop. 
  4. Something happening to Nola.  Good grief, no one tells you how much you'll worry about them.  I'm not obsessive, but so many things could happen.  She slept for eight hours on Friday night and I sat straight up and immediately checked if she was breathing.
  5. Someone breaking into our house, while we're sleeping. Thank you, Cold Case Files. 
  6. Going bald when I'm older.  Seriously, bald is never cute unless you're a dude.
  7. Getting Alzheimer's.  I see it all the time at work.  No one should get it. It's horrible.
  8. Some of the psych patients at work.  I am notorious for getting psych patients.  Every one at works knows it and there have been a few that have absolutely scared the bejesus out of me.  You can't control or predict crazy. I've seen some crazy things.

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