. my sister welcoming her sweet little peanut, Kylie Jayde .
. having hang time with Hayden while Tiff was in the hospital .
. fireworks, family, and cheeseburgers .
. hanging with my sister, while everyone else worked .
. gelatis from Rita's Italian Ice .
. three more pounds until I reach pre-Nola weight .
. celebrating beautiful Audra's birthday .
. lunches with Mr. O .
. successful shopping trips with Nola (i believe she's a shopper) .
. good news at Nola's two month checkup. She's in the 75% for height..how did that happen? Jules she and miles can date for sure now. :) .
. CPR recertification .
. introducing Nola to my coworkers .
. good news (hopefully) on the job front (i'll blog about this soon) .
. coffee, coffee, and sweet coffee .
. pineapple red curry .
. date nights .
. True Blood and Project Runway .
. Pinterest .
. Nola discovering Sophie and Molly .
. actually getting out of pajamas the majority of the time .
. celebrating my sister and Kylie at her shower .
. lunch dates with my mom .
. finding out Gwen Stefani will have a children's line at Target this fall .
. ice cream in coffee .
It will be our luck and he will be super short. :) She is so precious Nay, I know you are smitten. I have to come visit!!