Monday, December 7, 2009

A day late...make that a month!

Okay, so it's harder than I thought to keep up with reading blogs, writing this blog, facebook, and basically, anything involving the computer, when I'm not sitting in front of it five days a week and prefer face-to-face contact when I'm given a few free moments. I'm trying to find a new and better juggling act because the one I have been using has left many things laying on the ground around me. When did we all become so busy? Those moments of stopping and taking a breath are few and far between. With that being said, I'm going to try to do better with the blog because I actually enjoy writing it and it is a way of stopping and taking a breath for me. So let's rewind a month and I'll fill you in on what I've been doing. I know, you've all (all five or six of you) been anxiously awaiting my return.

One Month Recap

  • I started one of the jobs of my dreams (Yes, I have many dream jobs). It has been eye-opening to say the least. I spent the first week and a half, terrified and feeling as if I was only in the way, since I am a new nurse in a very, very busy atmosphere with many experienced nurses. I'm getting into the swing of things now. I actually had three rooms by myself all day on Saturday. I've learned I'm much slower than everyone else, but when I voiced my concern, I was told it would be at least six months before I had a routine down and a year before I felt really comfortable. Highlights (good and bad) on the job have included seeing a chest tube put in someone with a pneumothorax, an NG tube put into some one's stomach, getting fetal heart tones on a pregnant patient, seeing two patients code and be shocked and brought back to life, being taught by someone who could have cared less, being taught by experienced people who gave me tips that I will use to make things go more smoothly for myself in the future, numerous ivs (both successful and unsuccessful), seeing a patient being intubated, being hit on by two of my patients (this falls into the bad category), being told at least ten times that I look either 22 or 23 or 19 or 20 (this falls in the good category), having a 7 month old take a flu swab better than a grown man, and many, many other things. It's crazy how fast the day goes. It's a blur and I love that. I love how I go to one room and it could be a fractured bone, then another room with a patient with chest pain, and then to another with kidney stones. Working in the ER takes every bit of what we learned in school and then some. I thought I would be wide awake when I got home from a 12-hour shift, possibly on an adrenaline rush, but instead, I'm usually exhausted, so sleeping hasn't been an issue. I've been working 7am-7pm, but this week, I start on 12pm-12am. We'll see how that goes. All in all, it's been everything I thought it would be and I'm excited to see and do more. I'm sure there will be many posts about it in the future.
  • I hosted another successful Thanksgiving for the O family, thanks to help from my wonderful husband and sister-in-law, who did a lot of prepping and cooking the day before, since I had to work. The menu consisted of apple cider brined turkey, cornbread, toasted pecan, and apple dressing, cranberry salsa, gravy, roasted carrots and parsnips, green beans with a mustard vinegar glaze, roasted brussel sprouts with apples and bacon, mashed potatoes, corn salad, spinach salad with warm dressing, toasted bread, pecan pie, carrot cake, and spicy oatmeal cookies. Now the food was delicious, but what's Thanksgiving without family drama, which was also served to us. Ugh. Can't everyone just get along on a day to be thankful for what you have? We had full bellies, good company, and a warm house to celebrate in. That's plenty to be grateful for and enough to keep most people thankful. I digress. It really was a great day.
  • I also had a great Thanksgiving with my family. We ate well, played games, laughed a lot, and stayed later than I planned to, but I didn't want to leave the fun. No one should have to work the day after Thanksgiving!
  • Other random things that happened, I had a sinus infection and got over it, have started putting up Christmas decorations and after the tree is up tonight, will be finished, had family pictures taken, finished over half of my Christmas shopping, went to a baby shower, savored every moment with Aaron, since we didn't get too many moments, and enjoyed many days going from pajamas to shower to clean pajamas.

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