Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wonder lust

Things I've been wondering lately...
  • Am I too old to wear a tutu skirt?  I'm serious here.  Just be warned when I have a daughter she will wear tutus in an array of colors and I will have tutu envy.
  • Why are Bradford Pear trees so pretty, but smell so horrendous?  Our neighborhood is full of them.  When I'm walking, I get a noseful of fishy dog food smell.  Gross.
  • How many days can you eat cake or Reece's peanut butter eggs for breakfast and still use the excuse, "It's my birthday!"  There has to be a window.
  • Will our kids turn out as weird as our dogs are?  I mean, our dogs are weird on a daily basis, but absolutely bizarre at times.  I'm hoping it was in their genetic pool and not our child-rearing skills.
  • Is there a way to make my hair thicker without going to Hair Club for Women? 
  • Which cookbook should I attempt to cook all the recipes in a la Julie & Julia?
  • Where should I spend my birthday money?  Lowes, Target, Old Navy, Thrifting, HomeGoods?  I can't decide, but I'll be shopping soon.


  1. Yes, you're too old to wear a tutu. But if you just gotta have one, my friend makes them and sells them on her website. louloubeanbrand.com!

  2. Those are cute! I'm thinking a more subtle tutu, like the one featured here: http://kendieveryday.blogspot.com/2010/03/monday-is-new-black.html.
