Friday, January 29, 2010

The pantry showdown

Okay, every entry lately seems to be about food. I swear that isn't my whole life! I read a lot of blogs. In fact, my google reader account stays full of unviewed entries because I follow so many. I've noticed a couple in particular doing a pantry challenge, where the goal is to make all meals from foods that you have on hand and spend as little as possible at the grocery. Well, I now have made that my goal too, especially after our last massive (organic) grocery bill. We have tons on hand, so I don't think that it'll be that hard. I did not throw out all of our regular, processed, non-organic food. I try not to be wasteful, so my plans are to eat all of it as well. Some things are easy to give up, others are not as easy. We're taking baby steps here. We'll see how far I get, but my goal is to spend $50 or less in the next month. Here are some pics of what I'm working with (yes, finally pictures!). As you can see, I have plenty!

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