Monday, October 26, 2009

10 things I love...

I hate leaving the house when it’s still dark outside and the stars have forgotten that it is morning and they should be slumbering instead of showing off all their bedazzled glory. In order to make myself feel better about, not only having to get myself up at 5:15 on a cold Monday morning, but also having to step out into the darkness to leave for work, I decided to make a list of 10 things that I love, just to cheer me up. I know someone that carries around a notebook for the purpose of writing down things that they love whenever they are exposed to one. I think this is a lovely idea and may start doing it myself or I may start making this a weekly or monthly blog entry. What better way to cheer yourself up, than a reminder of all things that bring a smile to face and to your heart.

10 things I love…

1. Having a slow-paced morning with no rush and still getting to work on time
2. Baking a pie from scratch and having it come out perfectly in all its scrumptious wonder
3. Days where I go from pajamas to shower to clean pajamas
4. Wrapping up in a blanket and sipping hot chocolate on cold nights
5. Fall clothes with all their delicious layers
6. Learning some new tidbit/tip that I can apply in my life
7. Scrabble games with the ones that I love
8. Music that instantly brightens my mood
9. Bike rides with good friends that include picnics in far-from-travelled spots
10. Thrift store and garage sale finds

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