Thursday, October 15, 2009

Those were the days

Isn't it amazing how a song can take you right back to the past, so much so that you can feel the cool air or hear the conversation as if you were living it all over again? I just had that moment. I'm not embarrassed to admit it was to Candlbox's "You" (Thank you, Jango. If you don't know what Jango is, check it out. It's pretty rockin'.). I could have sworn I was back in August of '95 in B's car heading to the Gallatin Fair. I can even remember part of my outfit and could almost feel the cool air. Yes, we were cool enough to make an appearance at the fair. Everyone was doing it. Ah, but we had alternative motives, involving our "secret" (I use this term loosely, since I'm pretty sure a lot of people knew mine and, if you continue to read, you'll know why.) crushes and hopes of seeing them. It was the two of us, a cool August night, windows partly down, and Candlebox on the radio heading to what we hoped would be our destined lover's arms. The song brought back how much fun we had that night, how much fun we had together back in the day. DT1 and DT2 taking the night and living large. Highlights of that night, including me yelling my crush's name from the top of the ferris wheel, as if he wouldn't think to look up to where the voice was coming from (his friend did and had an amused, you're-an-idiot look on his face), walking by the grav-a-tron and distinctly hearing my sister's voice yell, "Raaallllpphhh!", and having many a laugh with B. Good times.

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