Saturday, June 25, 2011

Things I'm loving right now

Lately, I've tried some things that have been amazing.  I figured, I should share the love for them.  Try them, you will like them.

Essex.  Have you been here yet?  My friend, Christy, told me that I had to go for baby things.  Aaron and I had already been once and we thought it was dirty and junky.  We had not planned on going back.  Well, I decided, with the impending baby, to give it a try.  Oh my goodness, you must go!  Now, you'll have to dig.  I spent an hour and half in there the first day, but it was so worth it.  We ended up taking some of the things that we got back to Babies R Us and using the credits for other things, since we found some of the items dirt cheap.  As for instance, we found a different, but similar pattern, of our car seat and the extra base for around $104.  My mother-in-law, with coupons, had bought our car seat and extra base for $180 at Babies R Us.  The key is to look at the dates on the price tags.  If it's been there a certain amount of days, then it's even cheaper because they take off different percentages based on the length of time it's been in stock.  Aaron, Mr. I-hate-shopping, loves that place.  Here are some of the steals that we found:
ERGObaby Baby Carrier - Black with Camel Lining -  ErgoBaby - Toys"R"Us
Our Ergobaby carrier, listed at $114.99 at Babies R Us.  We got it for $63.99.

Graco SnugRider Infant Car Seat Frame Stroller - Graco  - Babies"R"Us
The Graco Snap and Go, $74.99 at Babies and $21.99 at Essex
(We got lucky on this one.  It had been there over 40 days, so it was 40% off)

UPPAbaby G-Luxe Stroller
Uppababy G-Luxe Stroller, $189.99 on Amazon and $87.99 at Essex.
This was another steal it was 50% of it's price tag of $173.99.  I love, love, love it! 

My Brest Friend Deluxe Wearable Nursing Pillow - Green - Zenoff Products  - Babies"R"Us
My brest friend, $47.99 at Babies and $25.99 at Essex
I started out with a Boppy, but honestly, I couldn't get comfortable with it because it doesn't support a baby who can't hold their neck in the right position.  This does. 

Fisher-Price Bouncer - My Little Snug-a-Bunny - Fisher-Price  - Babies"R"Us
Snug Bunny Bouncer.  Aaron's aunt paid $64 at Target and we got it at Essex for $35.

Beaba Multiportions - Green - Scandinavian Child  - Babies"R"Us
Beaba food storage for baby food, $25 at Babies $13 at Essex
These are just some of things.  I've gotten things like Bassinet sheets, a Sophie the giraffe teether, the Bumbo play tray, my breastfeeding cover, etc. for major deals.  I love this store because I love saving money!
Gwenyth Paltrow's new cookbook.  I checked it out at the library this week.  Now, I know she probably had a lot of help from her celebrity chef friends, but the cookbook is good.  I like that she uses natural and good for you food, not to mention, most of dishes are things that I would definitely make.  I can't wait to try some of them out.  I'm going to add this to my Christmas list.
My Father's Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family & Togetherness
Bravado nursing bras and tanks at Target.  They are so much more comfortable than the Gillian O'Malley ones I bought, which aren't bad at all for the price, but I should have just coughed up the extra for the Bravado ones in the beginning.  They will rock your world.

Product Image

Secrets of a Stylist.  I love this show!  I watched Design Star the season that Emily Henderson, the host, won.  She was instantly my favorite.  I love just about everything she does.  She mixes new and old.  That's my kind of stylist.  Plus, she has a great sense of fashion.  I would wear just about everything that she does.  We both have a penchant for plaid button up shirts. I just discovered that she has a blog, so now I'm following that too.

My labor play list.  Seriously, I can not get enough.  You should download some of the songs.  You will love it. 


  1. Must go to Essex now. You really got some deals. I've always avoided that place but have to go now.

  2. Yes, you need to! It's so addictive!!
