Wednesday, August 24, 2011

10 Day you challenge

I saw this on a couple of other blogs and usually I don't really like posts like this or regular weekly posts because I like to mix it up, but I think this will keep me accountable to blogging for at least the next 10 days.  So enjoy!

ten secrets
  1. Every time I hear this song, I think of the day I had Nola and of Mr. O.  It was one of the songs on my labor playlist, but the lyrics are so perfect both.  Nola lyrics:  Yours is the first face that I saw.  I think I was blind before I met you.  I don't know where I am.  I don't know where I've been, but I know where I want to go.  Mr. O lyrics:  This is the first day of my life, I'm glad I didn't die before I met you.  But now I don't care I could go anywhere with you.  And I'd probably be happy...and.....But I realized that I need you. And I wondered if I could come home.
  2. I would like to just once take a shower without hearing crying through all or most of it.  The shower used to be my thinking place and I miss it.
  3. If I could do anything without the fear of going bankrupt, I would quit my job and open up a cafe/coffee house.  It would be in an old house with different rooms and the food would be fantastic. 
  4. I applied for a Cancer Research Nurse position at Vanderbilt.  I haven't heard anything, in like a month, so I'm not sure if I should just give up on it.  I have a friend that told me it took about 3 months for her to get hired on though.  I'm keeping hope alive! For those that know me, this is my dream job.
  5. For about a week, I thought I was pregnant again.  Seriously.  I gained two pounds and my stomach is no longer as flat as it was a month ago.  I also kept getting dizzy spells, which was exactly what I did in the beginning with Nola.  I also spotted for a day.  No, I didn't take a test.  I'm just assuming I was wrong and paranoid about getting pregnant again.  The weight gain is from the large quantities of ice cream and sugar that I've been eating.  Case in point, on Monday, I had a two Reese's peanut butter cups, a nutty buddy, and a gelati from Rita's.  I'm craving Dr. Pepper again.  It's in my head, it's in my head, it's in my head...
  6. Sometimes, I'm with my family and I think, how did I come from them?  Wrong, yes, but if you know my family, you know there are about a million differences between us.  I love them dearly, but how I became me is baffling when you compare us.
  7. Once in high school, I was humming a song and tapping my foot in class, only to realize that it was Sally the Camel from Barney.  In my defense, I used to babysit my cousins a lot.
  8. I may have just taken a break from writing this to do a little dance to Yo Gabba Gabba for Nola.
  9. Aaron and I want to go to Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary, which is next year.  Hopefully, it really happens!
  10. I'm in desperate need for a girl's night or lunch or just some grown up girl chatting.  Feel sorry for me and ask me out.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you better hush because I've been asking when we're going to lunch for months! Let's go already! And we can bring Esther, Terri and any other sucker who's crazy enough to be SAHMs.
