I can't believe how fast time is going by. Have I said this enough times? It's February and it seems like yesterday was Christmas. I need to find a remedy for this situation. I need to slow down and savor every moment. This year could bring very big changes for us. I'm already dealing with one called nursing-means-so-long-normal-sleep-pattern. I guess I am a night owl again, but it is much more forced than for pleasure! Otherwise, I'd be falling asleep either at work or on the drive home and neither of those are good options.
I did, however, savor every moment with Mr. O this weekend. Our house guests were away, which meant we revisited our former life with it only being just the two of us. It hasn't really been just the two of us in a year and a half. It was lovely. I really, really love my husband. It's utter craziness how much I love him. One day, we'll have kids and a million obligations and I'll look back on these days with a sense of sadness, but also with gratefulness because it's been us against the world for nine years. That's part of why our kids don't exist yet. We want to be able to cuddle and lie in bed on Saturday morning without a time limit, brave the snow and go bowling at 8:00 at night, or drop everything and go on a weekend road trip, which we're planning to do soon. Don't worry, our kids do exist in my head. We already have a pretty awesome story too. One day, it'll be for all the world to see, or at least our friends and family.
I'm not sure what February has in store for us. I know that I'm starting on a mile long to-do list tomorrow. It's much more needed than fun things, but I'm kind of excited about the mundane things like cleaning though. I can't explain it, but I feel like February is going to be fantastic!
Oh, and if you care or are wondering, here's what is on our menu for this first glorious week of February. I can't seem to step away from the food entries.
Weekly MenuMonday: Hawaiian burgers, organic onion rings and possibly salad
Tuesday: Tilapia with braised red peppers & leeks, carrot salad, and rice
Wednesday: Chicken with chive dumplings (I'm especially excited about this because it's using homemade stock from a whole organic chicken and I've never made chicken and dumplings before-Go me!)
Thursday: Pasta w/pumpkin & sausage
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: I have to work, but I'm hoping to have Chicken and Spinach casserole ready to be put in the oven for dinner and if there are in leftovers from the week, then they can have eat those for lunch.
Sunday: I'll probably be asleep for breakfast, but for lunch, potato and leek soup, and dinner, spaghetti and salad